Sungnyemun Gate guard performance


Sungnyemun Gate Guard Performance which protection history of the past capital Seoul
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01 把守儀式



Gate Guard Performance
Guard is defending the castle of capital city and was one of the important military honours ritual in Joseon
dynasty period. Defending capital city was the most important issue in Joseon dynasty period and it has
been emerged as a serious problem especially during the reign of King Seonjo by experiencing Japanese
invasions of Korea, Manchu Invasion, and etc. Guard Performance is military honours ritual in Joseon
dynasty period connection gate opening ceremony around 10pm and around 4am, patrol ceremon and
etc, and is just important ceremony as guarding royal palace in consideration of position and role among
the central military system.

02 崇礼門

南にあるといって南大門とも呼ばれた。 韓国の国宝第1号であり、
(1398年)に完成された。 この建物は、世宗30年(1448年)に再び建てられたもので、1961年〜

Sungnyemun Gate
It was the main gate of casttle surroungding capital city Hanyang ing Joseon dynasty, the original
name is Sungnyemun gate, and was also called Namdaemun gate as it is located in south.
It its No.1 national treasure of Korea and is the oldest remaining among wooden buildings in current
Seoul as it was initially started to built in the 5th year of King Taejo's reign(1396) and completed in the
7th year of King Taejo's reign(1398). Thisi building was rebuilt in the 30th year of the King Sejong's reign
(1488) and has been proved that there was also a big construction in the 10th year of King Seongjong
(1479) while dismantling and repairing from 1961 to 1963.
Since then, it has received extensive damage in Feb, 10th 2008 by Sungnyemun gate fireproof fire,
2nd floor roof of a tower has beent collapsed and part of 1st floor roof has been destroyed by fire,
and it has been opened to the public since May 4th 2013 by completion of 5year and 2month long
restoration work.

03 イベントの手順及び時間

区分 時間の計画 イベント進行 内容
区分 ~ 10:00 把守軍の正門 守軍1人、把守軍2人、整列
10:00 ~ 12:00
13:00 ~ 15:40
把守儀式 守軍の軍豪確認と身分確認の後、
巡邏及び交代儀式のパフォーマンス 11:38 ~ 11:40 徳寿宮の守門軍の巡邏 崇礼門のパフォーマンスのために徳寿宮の守門軍(31人)の移動
11:40 ~ 11:44 交代儀式パフォーマンス及びフォトタイム 守門軍と把守軍が軍號と身分確認パフォーマンスの後、のフォトタイム
11:44 ~ 11:46 吹打演出及び旗手の位置交代 守門軍と把守軍が軍號と身分確認パフォーマンスの後、南大門市場を巡邏