Namsan bongsudae Lighting Ceremony

Signal fire ceremony of Namsan Beacon Fire Station

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01 Signal fire ceremony of Namsan Beacon Fire Station

It played an important role in informing the city of the situation
by gathering the beacon from signal fire in the whole country.

Namsan is a mountain on the border of Jung-gu and Yongsan-gu in Seoul. It is 262m high,
forming the center of Seoul Castle with Bukak Mountain in the north, Naksan in the east,
and Inwangsan in the west. Namsan was also called Mokmyoeok Mountain, Jongnam Mountain,
Ingyeong Mountain, Yeolgyeong Mountain and Mamoi. Namsan Beacon Fire Station is called
as Gyeongbongsu and Mokmyeon Mountain. According to the order of the 5th year of King Sejong(1423)
on February, it has played an important role in gathering the signal fire finally and informing
the city of the important things.

Beacon Fire Station of the capital city Seoul according to 'Gyeongguk daejeon', it is located in Beacon Fire Station of Mokmyeok
Mountain and called as Gyeongsudae because ti is located in Seoul. On the outskirts of Seoul, there are Yongma Mountain,
Deokyang Mountain in the west, Gwanak Mountain in the south, and Bukhan Mountain in the north. These four mountains
are called Waesa mountain from ancient times. Four mountains referred to as Naesa Mountain. It indicates Nakta Mountain
in the east, Mokmyeok Mountain in the south, Baekak Mountain in the north. Namsan (Mokwonsan) is one of Naesa Mountain
in Seoul. It is a famous mountain of 265m on south of the center of Seoul. It is located in the southern center of the castle,
blocking the southern part of the Seoul basin, along the left and right ridges, and the old people said that it looks like
a horse running through the mountain and laying down the saddle.

There were five places of Namsan Beacon Fire Station from east to west, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place. The first place on the east was located on the side of the southern part of the Myeongcheol area among the 52 rooms divided into 5 sections and 52 rooms on April 29 in the 5th year of King Taejo, the Joseon Dynasty. The second station was in Sanmaru near Sungmyeong room. It connects with Gwangju Bongsu and passes through Gyeongsang-do and Chungcheong provinces. There are 40 direct beacon fire stations and 123 indirect beacon fire stations. The third room was in Sanmaru near Hundo room. It connects with the land route of Pyeongando and Hwanghaedo. There are 78 indirect beacon fire stations. The fourth beacon fire station was in Sanmaru near Myeongraebang, connecting with the west side. It passes through the waterway of Hwanghaedo. There are 71 direct beacon fire stations and 35 indirect beacon fire stations. It was through the waters of the Jeolla and Chungcheong provinces and there were 60 direct beacon fire stations and 35 indirect beacon fire stations.

Nansan Beacon Fire station continued to exist for 500 years from Hanyang Chundo generation to the Gabo Reform of 1894 but it has taken by foreign countries during the Japanese invasion of Korea. In addition to the entrance to Seoul of foreign invasion, Bukchon's royal palace, the guardians, and the people were all plundered. Because they were building the area in the mountain sanrook area, they were damaged by them, which caused a functional paralysis during Japanese invasion of Korea.

Namsan Beacon Fire station was governed by Byeongjo. Bongsu-gun and Owon (called as Ohjang in the province). They supervised the working conditions of signal fire. In October, the king of Sejong, Guardians were 15 but increased up to 20. They are divided into each section. In the "Gyeongguk Daejeon," two of them were placed in each place four people and two people. Signal fire guardians of Gyeongbongsu appointed Geumgun in order to make him report the information. Geumgun received the information every daybreak and reported it to Seungjeongwon. Even at night when there was conflict, he immediately reported to the king. Among the beacon fire station in the Seoul area, there are two boats in the Namsan and Mukak areas, each of which has 120 people and is divided into twenty-four, five They were replaced every 6 days.

Signal fire system was an important means of communication for the country, and it informed the center or the base of the change of the emergency situation of the area and also informed the residents of the area. It is prepared to deal with the emergency quickly. There are four soldiers in the Mokmyeoksan beacon fire station, and four soldiers and two folks in the vicinity. They selected four sincere and dignified officers and divided them into two groups. checked it. They also checked the work of beacon fire station and checked it alternately by day and night. If they did not check it, they were sentenced to a severe punishment.

02 Torch and the message

Important military information of the country was conveyed by a gigantic method, with smoke in the day and torches in the night, according to the completion of the sentiment. In the Goryeo Dynasty, it was divided into four groups according to signal fire ceremony prescribed in the 4th Year of King Yijong(1150). In the end of the Goryeo Dynasty, it was changed to the 2-division system in the beginning of the Joseon Dynasty. It was re-divided into 5 divisions with the establishment of epoch-making signal fire in the year of King Sejong (1419). In this case, it is distinguished between the sea and the land. In case of sea, there were usually 1, 2 signal fire times. If foreign enemies come to the sea closely, there were 3 signal fire times. When it is close to the coast, there were 4 signal fire times and when they are engaged, there were 5 signal fire times. In the case of land, when the enemy is coming, there were 2 signal fire times. If they come very closely, there were 3 signal fire times. if they across outside the border, there were 4 signal fire times. In the time of war, there were 5 signal fire times.According to the torch law, Owon reported to the chief about the information. As a means of urging the enemy's invasion around the ages as the foremost military fortress, there were many militaries assigned including the signal fire.

03 Signal fire form and mangement material

In the daytime, they used smoke as a torch to deliver news, and in the event that rain or cloud is covered, they played a small drum, a horn trumpet, a fireball, and a flag to announce the information. If this was not the case, the person in signal fire ran to the next beacon fire station and delivered the news.As a material of the torch, materials which are often found in the vicinity such as wolves, horses, cattle, rabbit poop, mugwort, grass, sorghum and firewood. It is used as an auxiliary material to prevent the smoke from being disturbed by the wind during the day.